Experiential Theater

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Experiential Theater: The best way to train about Experiences is to live them.

Can a Power Point be moving, and is a group dynamic explicit enough to transmit everyday reality? This is the space that the Interactive Experiential Theater (TEI) comes to complement. It is a powerful tool in the field of training and learning, challenging traditional formats that are often ineffective, especially for the younger generations. In a world where attention is an increasingly scarce resource and participants' expectations are ever higher, TEI presents itself as a dynamic and effective solution that promotes active participation and meaningful change.

What is Interactive Experiential Theater?

Interactive Experiential Theater is an innovative methodology that fuses traditional theater with contemporary pedagogical approaches. In this context, participants cease to be mere spectators and become"specta-actors", which means that they can influence the development of the plot, propose solutions and represent situations that reflect their work or personal reality. Inspired by Augusto Boal's Forum Theater and Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Question, TEI seeks to generate a learning space where real problems are staged and debated.

Forum Theater of Augusto Boal

Augusto Boal transformed the perception of theater into a tool for transformation through Forum Theater. In this methodology, a scene is presented that illustrates a conflict situation. Unlike conventional theater, where spectators are passive observers, in Forum Theater they are invited to intervene. This interactivity allows the audience not only to analyze the situation but also to become protagonists in the search for solutions.

By involving participants in the action, identification with the characters and situations is facilitated, generating a deep emotional connection. This experiential experience proves to be more effective than traditional theoretical teaching, as it allows participants to experience and reflect on their own realities, promoting meaningful and lasting learning.

The Pedagogy of the Question of Paulo Freire

Complementing the Forum Theater approach, Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of Questioning emphasizes the importance of dialogue and critical reflection in the educational process. Freire advocated an educational model in which students are active participants in their learning, not mere recipients of information.

The Brazilian pedagogue promoted an education that stimulates curiosity and criticism. In this model, questions are the engine of learning, allowing students to explore their ideas, challenge assumptions and build knowledge collaboratively. This methodology integrates seamlessly with TEI, as both approaches value the voice of the audience and foster an active learning environment.

Benefits of Interactive Experiential Theater

Realism and emotional connection

Through dramatizations depicting everyday problems, participants can see their own experiences reflected. This not only helps them recognize the relevance of the issues represented; it also generates a deep emotional impact.  

Encouraging participation

Active participation increases attendees' engagement and also allows them to explore different perspectives on the problems addressed. They can intervene in the narrative, offering their own solutions and adjustments to the situations presented, which promotes collaborative and enriching learning.

Safe space to address difficult issues

Experiential Theater creates a safe environment where participants can address complex issues that might otherwise be uncomfortable or taboo. Dramatization allows "politically incorrect" issues to be discussed in a way that feels less threatening. This is especially valuable in work settings, where open and honest communication is essential for conflict resolution.

Stimulation of creativity

By depicting situations and problems in an interactive environment, participants are encouraged to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. This approach encourages conflict resolution and prepares teams to adapt to changing situations and find effective alternatives.

Effective and fast training

Unlike traditional methods that tend to be longer and less interactive, TEI allows multiple participants to be involved simultaneously, optimizing time and resources.

Interactive Experiential Theater Applications

Experiential Theater is not limited to an isolated format. It can be integrated with other learning dynamics, which further enriches the experience. For example, it can be combined with traditional methodologies or gamification activities, increasing the variety and effectiveness of the training.

The possibilities for the application of TEI are vast and varied. Some of the contexts in which this methodology has proven to be particularly effective include:

  • Introduction of Customer Experience programs: allows participants to understand in an experiential way how to improve customer care and service.  
  • Launching new products or services: helps teams visualize customer reception and adjust their launch strategies
  •  Development of communication and teamwork skills: through simulations, participants can practice and improve their interpersonal skills.

At Proaxion, we have been using theater in our training since 2008. We have reached numerous participants in various industries and countries. Our approach has been implemented in a wide variety of cultural and linguistic contexts, resulting in the adaptation of our dramatizations to the particularities of each environment. This is possible thanks to the teams of facilitators and actors, who were trained in TEI and respond to the specific needs of each group. The reception by the participants has been excellent, evidencing the positive impact of this methodology in learning and skills development but particularly in helping to create a user/client centered culture.


By encouraging active participation, stimulating critical reflection and allowing for the exploration of creative solutions in a safe environment, the TEI offers a unique and effective approach to personal and professional development.

The combination of emotions, interaction and realism in Experiential Theater creates a memorable learning experience that lingers in the minds of participants, inspiring them to apply what they learn in their daily lives. Thus, TEI not only transforms training; it also transforms people and, therefore, organizations.

Eduardo Laveglia
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