Streamline customer service procedures


Faced with the difficulties in ticket management by outsourced front-line agents, iPLAN set out to design a new internal case management platform to optimize the time and satisfaction level of customer service.


A case management platform was designed, tested and optimized to simplify, automate and streamline the internal processes of customer service by contact center agents. Subsequently, the developer handoff was performed.

Phase 1


Based on a survey conducted together with iPLAN, a complete mapping of the customer service process for Liv customers was carried out. It included first and second level customer service processes.

To better understand the internal perspective of the organization with respect to the platform, discovery interviews were conducted with stakeholders and users.


Participatory Design

During 3 days of 4 hours, hybrid sessions (face-to-face with remote team members) were held in workshop format to obtain an initial sketch of the platform.

phase 3


Since iPLAN did not have its own Design System, one was developed as a basis for the prototype, respecting the brand guidelines shared by the company.

A first version of the prototype was made, transferring the sketch screens to Figma. Then a first round of modifications was made as a result of some additional definitions by the company.

Phase 4

Usability testing

The prototype was tested with 5 users (agents) of the platform. Given the complexity and number of tasks to be tested, a second round of tests was scheduled, reaching a total of 10 sessions.

In the ratings given by the users to each task performed in the prototype, the prototype obtained positive results.

Phase 5

Iteration and handoff

Based on the insights gained from the tests, an iteration of the prototype was carried out, with significant changes to the initial version.

As part of the handoff, User Flows and Functional Specifications documents were prepared for all the prototyped screens. In addition, access is provided to the prototypes in Figma (both static and navigable versions) and to the HTML and CSS code of each screen/component.

Final deliverables

iPLAN received as final deliverables:

  • Report with conclusions of the entire design process and test results.
  • Prototype 100% navigable desktop version of the management platform.
  • Figma file with the design from the first prototype to the iteration.

Project duration

2 months net


Head of UX

UX UI Designer

Functional Analyst

Qualitative research specialist

Quantitative research specialist

Services included